Focus on the star. Inspired by The Witcher franchise, this dice set is dedicated to Yennefer of Vengerberg — the raven-haired bearer of the Obsidian Star. The set contains 8 pieces; 7 polyhedral dice, and a metal coin featuring Yennefer’s depiction, which acts as a D2. Each die is painted black with silver engravings. The highest value faces and coin reverse share imagery with Yen’s pendant.
Warhammer 40K
- Adepta Sororitas
- Adeptus Mechanicus
- Astra Militarum
- Chaos Space Marines
- Craftworlds
- Death Guard
- Drukhari
- Imperial Knights
- Necrons
- Space Marines
- T'au Empire
- Thousand Sons
Age of Sigmar
- Daughters of Khaine
- Fyreslayers
- Idoneth Deepkin
- Kharadron Overlords
- Lumineth Realm-Lords
- Nighthaunt
- Seraphon
- Skaven
- Soulblight Gravelords
- Stormcast Eternals
- Sylvaneth
Paints & Tools
Star Wars